Formal kimono for formal occasions.
It's like an "evening dress", it can be worn by unmarried and married women as well. The placing of the pattern is quite fix (main patterns are always on the upper left and lower right parts).
It can have mon (family crest) but not necessarily. If it has one, the rank goes up. Worn with fukuro obi.
Almost at the same rank as houmongi kimono but depending on the design, it's a bit lower, as usually tsukesage has a simplifyed pattern than houmongi.
Therefore its rank is a bit lower, though it can also have mon (family crest) but not necessarily.
If it has one, the rank goes up. Usually worn with fukuro obi. Good for going out for formal or semi-formal occasions.
Formal kimono for formal occasions.
It's like an "evening dress", it can be worn by unmarried and married women as well. The placing of the pattern is quite fix (main patterns are always on the upper left and lower right parts).
It can have mon (family crest) but not necessarily. If it has one, the rank goes up. Worn with fukuro obi.
Almost at the same rank as houmongi kimono but depending on the design, it's a bit lower, as usually tsukesage has a simplifyed pattern than houmongi.
Therefore its rank is a bit lower, though it can also have mon (family crest) but not necessarily.
If it has one, the rank goes up. Usually worn with fukuro obi. Good for going out for formal or semi-formal occasions.
付下げ 陶彩染 加藤唐九郎 膨れ織り 落款入り オリーブグリーンx黄緑 一つ紋 袷 広衿 正絹 仕立て上がり着物 身丈157cm
- Regular price
- ¥7,700
- Sale price
- ¥7,700
本加賀友禅 訪問着 岡本幸治 椿に梅文様 薄黄色x多色 パステル系 作家物 落款入 正絹 袷 広衿 一つ紋 フォーマル 本場加賀友禅染 身丈156cm
- Regular price
- ¥8,800
- Sale price
- ¥8,800
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